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the road to connectivity starts here
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who we are

africaonline is about impactful all-solutions connectivity - the kind that empowers businesses and homes across Namibia to grow, learn and thrive. We stand for innovation, focus, and consistency. We are also driven to look further, reach wider, and strive harder - it’s what Namibians do!
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Internet Connectivity Solutions

We’re here to hook you up with the internet solution you need - for work or play.
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Enterprise and Consumer Hardware

We offer best-of-breed hardware, ensuring optimal and reliable system performance.
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Cloud Solutions & Managed Services

From branded domains to personalised email accounts, top-notch firewalls to 360 security solutions - let us help you work smarter.
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customer portal

Get all the tools you need - at the touch of your finger tips! Feel empowered through our world-class technology, no matter what you need to get done.