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Yes, but recovering a full image takes longer than just recovering a single database in cases where full recovery is not required. A combination of backing up both the full server image weekly, and then daily or hourly SQL backup is typically best.
There are two options available:
Option 1: Storage is deployed in an international cloud with a 99.999% uptime guarantee including redundant snapshot duplicates. All data is encrypted during upload and cannot be viewed by any external entity.
Option 2: Locally stored data can be made available on request to enterprise clients.
Please contact our sales team for more information – they love nothing more than offering valuable advice to current and prospective clients.
Yes it does! Line speeds have no effect on the backups, however initial large backups will take a bit longer. Due to the deduplication, subsequent backups complete quickly and easily!
Due to effective compression and deduplication of data, total once-off data usage during the very first backup could be as little as 25% of total data depending on the files. However, you should ideally allow for 100% of total data when backing up for the very first time.
Backups that follow this initial backup though are very small in comparison, as deduplication is highly effective. If a backed up 1MB Excel file has a few numbers changed, only those specific changes are backed up, resulting in only a few KB of data being consumed.
No, files are not accessible in web interface formats. Due to the nature of it not being a basic file storage system but rather a backup system, files can only be restored through the application itself.
This functionality is not currently available.
Neither of these systems are actually backup systems in the true sense. They are purely for cloud based file storage and access. Backup systems deduplicate, maintain versions, integrate with the internal workings of database systems/operating systems and reset archives bits on files. Cloud file storage systems will also automatically upload all encrypted files and when there is no versioning, there will be no previous copy of the files to restore.
No it doesn’t, the system will back up whatever is on the file system. The computer anti-virus is responsible for checking during file access. Backups are, however, not affected by any virus infections. Even if a backup happens after an infection, you would simply restore the required files to backups that were not yet infected.
Yes, absolutely! This has been tested several times with our team being able to fully restore several encrypted clients without any challenges.
Not necessarily, data can be restored to any hardware.
This depends on which of the two options were selected during the set up process:
Option 1: Restoring information can be conducted by your technical department, including password resets and managing encryption data.
Option 2: If you would prefer not to have our team manage anything on your behalf, not even administrative users can assist, and data will be lost if encryption data is lost.
Yes, and it is possible to deploy a time-based PIN code.
Storage can be shared, but there will be a minimum cost per host which will be quoted on by our helpful team.
Any file-based system can be selected, including the backing up of existing backups or databases.
Backups for Africa supports Windows or any operating system running on Hyper-V.
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